The Parish Council provides the first level of local government and has three main responsibilities:
To represent the views of Parishioners on issues that are passed down to it by the East Herts District Council, with a particular responsibility to comment on local Planning Applications.
To provide a route for matters of concern within the village to be passed up to the relevant authorities.
To make good use of the precept (the 'parish' element of household rates).
In Wareside, elected officials believe in promoting a fair, honest and transparent agenda.
Search our directory of past meeting minutes, agendas and financial reports below, all open and available to the public.
Working with a limited precept each year the council has to make decisions on how best to utilise funds for community benefit and ensuring there are adequate reserves to maintain the elements for which they hold budget responsibility. Accounts can be accessed by clicking the link below.
Wareside Parish Council Meetings take place on the 3rd Thursday in every month at the Village Hall.
All Parishoners are welcome to attend meetings and to raise matters concern or question the council's activities.
For past meeting agendas, minutes and reports please click on the link below.
Wareside Parish Council is localised. Governing bodies that influence activity in Wareside are detailed below.
The District Council provides the second level of local government.
The District of East Hertfordshire has a population of approximately 125,000 and covers about 480 square miles on the eastern side of Hertfordshire.
The district has Broxbourne to the south, Welwyn and Hatfield to the West, and Stevenage to the North Hertfordshire as its northern boundary. To the east the district borders on the county of Essex.
East Herts District Council is responsible for housing, leisure and recreation, environmental health, waste collection, planning applications and local taxation collections.
The County Council provides the third and final level of local government
Hertfordshire County council covers the whole of the Hertfordshire county and provides the majority of public services in this area.
Hertfordshire County councils is responsible for: education, highways, transport planning, passenger transport, social care, libraries, waste disposal and strategic planning.
The General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) will take effect in the UK from 25 May 2018. It replaces the existing law on data protection (the Data Protection Act 1998) and gives individuals more rights and protection regarding how their personal data is used. Local councils and parish meetings must comply with its requirements, just like any other organisation.